Advanced Workout on the Ball (Part 1)

In this series of posts, I am featuring three sample exercise routines on the stability ball, as excerpted from Balance on the Ball: Exercises Inspired by the Teachings of Joseph Pilates. Each routine consists of 16 exercises and will be broken up into four parts. This is Part 1 of the Advanced Workout.

Oblique Crunch

Lie sideways on the Ball with your top leg crossed in front of your bottom leg. Keep your bottom leg straight and your top leg bent with your foot flat on the floor. From there, twist so that both arms are reaching out toward your legs and pulse your torso up in very small movements. Repeat on the other side.







Push Ups (Variation: On Ankles)

Lie with your pelvis on the Ball and both hands on the floor. Walk your hands forward until your ankles are resting on the Ball. You should be in a long, straight line from head to toe. From there, bend and straighten your arms.





Shoulder Bridge (Variation: Single Leg Curl)

Lie on your back with your feet resting on top of the Ball and your legs straight. Tuck your pelvis under and press your hips up toward the ceiling. Keeping your right foot on the Ball and your hips pressed up, bend your left knee in toward your chest. From there, bend your right knee, rolling the Ball in toward you; at the same time, straighten your left leg, aiming just above the level of the Ball. Continue bending and straightening your legs in opposition, as the Ball rolls back and forth under your right foot. Repeat on the other side.





Roll Over (Variation: Jackknife)

Lie on your back with the Ball between your ankles and your knees bent. Straighten your legs up toward the ceiling, then lift your hips off the floor to roll over, bringing your legs overhead. Try to touch the Ball to the floor behind you, then lift your legs up even higher into a shoulder stand. From there, lower your legs overhead to touch the Ball to the floor. Roll your back down one vertebra at a time until your legs are vertical, then bend your knees until the Ball touches the floor.





Links to the rest of the series:
Beginner Workout on the Ball (Part 1)
Beginner Workout on the Ball (Part 2)
Beginner Workout on the Ball (Part 3)
Beginner Workout on the Ball (Part 4)
Intermediate Workout on the Ball (Part 1)
Intermediate Workout on the Ball (Part 2)
Intermediate Workout on the Ball (Part 3)
Intermediate Workout on the Ball (Part 4)
Advanced Workout on the Ball (Part 2)
Advanced Workout on the Ball (Part 3)
Advanced Workout on the Ball (Part 4)

If you suffer from an injury or other health condition, or have any questions regarding the suitability of stability ball training, please consult your doctor before attempting these exercises.

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