Balance on the Ball - book of Pilates-based exercises on the ballBalance on the Ball: Exercises Inspired by the Teachings of Joseph Pilates
by Elisabeth Crawford

Balance on the Ball was the first book ever published to blend the techniques of Pilates and stability ball training. Combining the Pilates principles of core control and stabilization with the instability of the Gymnastik Ball, this book provides a balanced workout for people at all levels of fitness. There are over 100 exercises to stretch and strengthen every major muscle group in the body. Each exercise includes helpful tips for maintaining optimal form and alignment, the suggested number of repetitions, modifications or advanced variations, and a list of muscle groups used. Black-and-white photos clearly illustrate each movement.

Key benefits of training on the Ball:
Muscle tone/definition
Core strength
Body awareness

Publisher: Equilibrio
Retail Price: $16.95
ISBN: 978-0-9703716-0-7
LCCN: 00-192966
Page Count: 155
Binding: Paperback
Category: Health/Fitness

Balance on the Ball was the Gold Medal winner of the 2013 AUTHORSdB Book Cover Contest.